Besides the coating method widely called NURI, there is a technique called FUKI-URUSHI, where lacquer is rubbed into the wood surface to sink in. In this method, lacquer diluted with plant oil is coated onto the wood using a brush, and then any excess lacquer is removed with a cloth. This process is repeated several times to give the surface durability and gentle warmth of touch. Also cotton fabric is applied onto the top surface for seating durability. We introduced this method into a wooden bench that has been placed in a public area where the condition is tough and severe by usage of many people. Through this project we are examining the possibility of utilizing craft technology in architectural space. 公共空間の木製ベンチの漆仕上げを監修しています。漆を何度も木地に摺り込んでゆく「拭き漆(ふきうるし)」という手法で木目を活かした仕上げです。座面は手触りと耐久性に留意した弊社独自の布目を活かした漆仕上げです。不特定多数の人々に容赦なく使われる過酷な環境での家具や什器の漆仕上げの使い心地や耐久性を実践的に検証しています。 |